AIB Security Staff

AIB Training places great emphasis on internal promotion, actively partnering with our Security division to ensure that every member of our team has the chance to advance their skills. To date, we've empowered over 20 of our stewards to step into SIA Licensed door supervisor roles and facilitated the progression [...]

By |2024-07-03T15:52:03+01:009 April 2024|Latest News & Insights|0 Comments

DJ Walford

DJ started with us in 2017 as a steward for our summer events. When AIB Training introduced door supervisor courses, DJ's interest grew as it opened up more work opportunities year-round. With his DS license secured, DJ continued to work events as a seasoned licensed operative, honing his skills alongside [...]

By |2024-07-03T15:52:28+01:009 April 2024|Latest News & Insights|0 Comments

Carla Deriscott

Carla started at AIB in August 2023 as a steward for Reggaeland in Milton Keynes. She worked various events across the summer, gaining experience. AIB security noticed her hard work and trained her for a DS badge to expand our licensed staff. Carla completed her DS course while stewarding at [...]

By |2024-07-03T15:52:33+01:008 April 2024|Latest News & Insights|0 Comments
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