Course Guidelines

Security Guard Training prepares individuals to work as security guards in various settings, including offices, retail stores, construction sites, and public spaces. The training covers various security-related topics applicable to various security roles and environments. It emphasises skills such as access control, patrol techniques, report writing, emergency response, and basic first aid. Security Guard Training focuses on general security principles, observation skills, incident prevention, and response protocols that are applicable across different sectors within the private security industry.

Security Guard | AIB Group | Training

What the Course Covers

The main characteristics of the private security industry

The importance of safe working practices

Roles and responsibilities of security officers

Issues and procedures relevant to the role of a security officer

How to conduct effective search procedures

Queue management

Problem-solving techniques when resolving conflict

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Course Breakdown

Unit 1. Principles of working in the private security industry

1.1 Identify the key purposes of the private security industry

1.2 State the aims and functions of the Security Industry Authority (SIA)

1.3 Recognise the required standards of behaviour of a security operative

1.4 Identify the benefits of community safety initiatives

1.5 Recognise how assignment instructions support the security operative role

1.6 Recognise how each security operative role may use CCTV

1.7 Identify the limitations of CCTV within the security operative role

1.8 State the purpose of the Approved Contractor Scheme

2.1 Identify the differences between civil and criminal Law

2.2 State the main aims of the Private Security Industry Act 2001

2.3 Identify key legislation relating to promoting equality and diversity in the workplace

2.4 Identify licensable roles under the Private Security Act

2.5 Identify how data protection regulation impacts on the security operative

3.1 State the meaning of arrest

3.2 Identify offences for which a security operative can make an arrest

3.3 Identify the limitations to a security operative’s powers of arrest

3.4 State procedures to follow when making an arrest

3.5 State why an arrest should only be made as a last resort

3.6 State procedures following an arrest

3.7 State what is meant by ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ force

4.1 Identify responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act

4.2 Identify the risks of lone working within the private security industry

4.3 Identify typical workplace hazards and risks

4.4 State how to minimise risk to personal safety at work

4.5 Identify safety signs and signals

4.6 State procedures to be followed for recording and reporting accidents and health and safety incidents

4.7 Identify ways to keep personal information safe

5.1 Identify the elements that must be present for fire to exist

5.2 State the actions to be taken upon discovering a fire

5.3 Identify basic fire safety controls

5.4 Identify classifications of fire

5.5 Identify the different types of firefighting equipment

5.6 Identify the role of a fire marshal in the event of an emergency

6.1 Identify the key emergency terms

6.2 Identify different types of emergencies within the workplace

6.3 Recognise how people react when emergencies occur

6.4 Identify actions to be taken in an emergency situation

6.5 Identify the role of the security operative in relation to first aid incidents

6.6 Recognise evacuation principles

7.1 Identify the different types of communication

7.2 State the importance of effective communication

7.3 Identify the benefits of teamwork in the private security industry

7.4 State the principles of customer service

7.5 Recognise diverse customer needs and expectations

8.1 State the importance of accurate record-keeping

8.2 Identify the types of records that may need to be completed

8.3 Identify what information to include in records

8.4 Demonstrate the accurate completion of an evidential statement (Section 9 Statement)

8.5 State the process of attending court to give evidence

9.1 Identify the different threat levels

9.2 Recognise the common terror attack methods

9.3 Recognise the actions to take in the event of a terror threat

9.4 Identify the procedures for dealing with suspicious items

9.5 Identify behaviours that could indicate suspicious activity

9.6 Identify how to respond to suspicious behaviour

10.1 Recognise duty of care with regard to vulnerable people

10.2 Identify factors that could make someone vulnerable

10.3 Identify actions that the security operative should take towards vulnerable individuals

10.4 Identify behaviours that may be exhibited by sexual predators

10.5 Identify indicators of abuse

10.6 State how to deal with allegations of sexual assault

10.7 State how to deal with anti-social behaviour

11.1 Identify sources of post incident support available

11.2 State why accessing support following an incident is important

11.3 State the benefits of reflecting on incident

11.4 Identify why it is important for security operatives to contribute to improving practice

Unit 2 Principles of working as a security officer in the private security industry

1.1 Identify different security officer roles within the private security industry

1.2 Identify the main responsibilities of a security officer

1.3 Recognise how the control room supports the security Officer

2.1 State the purpose of access and egress control

2.2 Identify the security officer’s duties and responsibilities when controlling access and egress

2.3 State the powers of statutory agencies relating to access and egress control

2.4 Identify ways of attempting to gain unauthorised access

2.5 State the responsibilities of a security officer in relation to crowd management and queue control at access and egress points

3.1 Identify how the different types of electronic and physical protection systems can support the security officer role

3.2 Identify different types of protection measures

3.3 Identify potential risks to protection systems

3.4 Identify types of alarm activations and the actions to take in response to them

4.1 Identify responsibilities for personal safety at work

4.2 Identify situations that might compromise personal safety

4.3 Identify the risks of ignoring personal safety in conflict situations

4.4 State the personal safety benefits of undertaking dynamic risk assessments

4.5 List ways to minimise risk to personal safety at work

4.6 Recognise the different types of personal protective equipment relevant to the role of a security officer

4.7 State the purpose of using body-worn cameras (BWC)

4.8 Identify strategies that can assist personal safety in conflict situations

4.9 Describe limits of own responsibility in physical intervention situations

4.10 Identify types of harm that can occur during physical interventions

4.11 Identify the personal safety advantages of mental alertness at work

4.12 State the benefits of reflecting on personal safety experiences

5.1 Recognise the signs and symptoms of drug use

5.2 Identify the signs that may indicate drug dealing

5.3 State how to dispose of drug related litter and contaminated waste

6.1 Identify the different type of searches carried out by a security officer

6.2 Identify a security officer’s right to search

6.3 Identify different types of searching equipment

6.4 Recognise possible hazards when conducting a search

6.5 State precautions to take when carrying out a search

6.6 State actions to take if an incident or an accident occurs during searching

6.7 Demonstrate how to search people, and their property

6.8 State typical areas of vehicles to be searched

6.9 Identify reasons for carrying out a premises search

6.10 Recognise actions to take in the event of a search refusal

6.11 Identify reasons for completing search documentation

6.12 Identify actions to take if a prohibited or restricted item is found during a search

7.1 State the purposes of patrolling

7.2 Identify types of patrol undertaken by a security officer

7.3 State patrolling procedures

7.4 Identify how to communicate effectively using relevant equipment

7.5 Demonstrate effective use of communication devices

7.6 Recognise the importance of check calls

7.7 State how to respond to an incident

7.8 State reasons for recording and preserving crime scenes

7.9 State actions to take to preserve evidence after an incident

7.10 Identify circumstances when a security officer should call the police

Unit 3. Application of conflict management in the private security industry

1.1 Identify situations that can lead to conflict

1.2 State how positive and constructive communication can be used to manage conflict

1.3 Recognise why it is important to be familiar with policies and procedures relating to workplace violence

1.4 Identify the stages of escalation in conflict situations

1.5 Recognise the stages of the attitude and behaviour cycle

2.1 Recognise the potential risk posed in a conflict situation

2.2 Identify factors that can trigger or inhibit a range of responses in self and others

2.3 Identify a range of responses to conflict situations

2.4 Recognise the stages in de-escalating conflict

2.5 State the importance of positioning and exit routes

3.1 Recognise how to use empathy to resolve conflict

3.2 Identify the benefits of using problem-solving techniques

3.3 Recognise how win-win approaches work to resolve conflict situations

4.1 Recognise verbal and non-verbal communication techniques

4.2 Explain how to deal with communication barriers in conflict situations

4.3 Identify different behaviour types

4.4 Demonstrate approaches to take when addressing unacceptable behaviour

4.5 Demonstrate ways to de-escalate conflict situations

4.6 Demonstrate working with colleagues to de-escalate conflict situations

Upcoming Security Guard Courses